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DiscountsBulk Mail Postage Discounts

How Do I get Started?

You can prepare and send your mail yourself.  Mail*LIST Presort software is special software that presorts your addresses, figures out how many mailpieces will qualify for which postage prices, and prints out a completed postage statement.

To prepare your mail yourself, you have to choose how you want to pay for your postage:

  • Postage Meter
  • Permit Imprint
  • Precanceled Stamps

You can obtain a permit by either applying online through the Business Customer Gateway, if applicable, or completing PS Form 3615, Mailing Permit Application and Customer Profile, available from your local business mail entry unit or Post Office®.

Take your completed Form 3615 to your local Business Mail Entry Unit (BMEU) or Post Office. You will need 2 forms of Acceptable Forms of Identification (one must contain a photograph) as well as the completed form. You will not be required to pay the annual fee when you submit your form, but may instead wait until you send your first mailing.

The Postal Service will give you a permit number and a receipt. You’ll need your permit number for each mailing you complete.

When you’re ready to send your first mailing, be sure to bring the following:

       a) Signed and dated postage statement(s)

      b) Supporting documentation

      c) Check, credit card or cash to cover additional postage

      d) A check for your annual mailing fee

What the USPS will do when you arrive with your business mail shipment?

  1. The acceptance clerk checks to make sure that you’ve prepared your mail properly.
  2. Eligibility of contents [for USPS Marketing Mail™ (formerly Standard Mail®), the clerk will actually open one of your mailpieces to check that the contents qualify for the rate you’re claiming]
  3. Markings and endorsements
  4. Sortation
  5. Postage payment:

      a) If you’re paying with permit imprint, the clerk will check to see that there’s enough money in                    your advance deposit account to cover the cost of your mailing.

      b) In some instances, there may be problems with your mail. If your mail is not presorted correctly,             the clerk will point the problems out to you and tell you how to fix the sortation.

      c) If there are problems with the characteristics of your mailpiece, you might have to pay                             additional fees or surcharges.

Bulk Mail Postage Discounts 

For information on fees, go to http://pe.usps.com/businessmail101 or please refer to the National Customer Support Center at 1-800-238-3150.

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